Bodybuilder’s Favorite Hormone - IGF Insulin Growth Factor

 Why should you use IGF-1?

The weight gain when using IGF-1 was not due to the weight of the water. All weight gain is caused by actual muscle gain, which is a long-term effect. You won’t gain 10 pounds from IGFs compared to steroids that overuse water weights and often cause adverse side effects, but you’ll get solid muscle gains every one to two weeks. Actual heavy muscles. The most important feature of IGF-1 is its ability to induce proliferation in humans. People who use steroids develop hypertrophy, which means they only increase the size of existing cells in the muscle. On the other hand, IGF-1 causes hyperplasia, which claims the growth and development of new cells in the muscle. In general, at a normal genetic level, you will achieve more muscle density and size.

Variants of IGF-1

There are two groups of IGF variants. These are IGF-1 LR3 and DES IGF-1 (which can also be presented as IGF-1 DES). IGF-1 has a very short half-life, so it is quickly destroyed by the body. This is the main reason why IGF-1 was modified to generate the amino acid analog IGF-1 LR3 with a longer half-life. Another variant of IGF-1, DES IGF-1, is a truncated form of IGF-1 that is ten times more potent than IGF-1. Both of these IGF-1 variants are similar to IGF-1, but they have different modes of action. This feature allows them to function together in different and specific ways.


The half-life of IGF-1 LR3 is about 20-30 hours. It is more potent than the regular matrix IGF-1. Because it can last in the body for more than a day, it can effectively bind to cellular receptors in muscle cells and activate cellular communication, thereby increasing the rate of muscle growth throughout the day. IGF-1 LR3 inhibits the movement of glucose to body cells, which facilitates fat burning and the use of fat for energy in the body. Its long lifespan of nearly a day makes it the variant of choice for most patients and physicians as no injections are required. IGF-1 LR3 circulates systemically and binds to receptors on muscle cells and then acts for about a day, so daily administration of this dose is strongly supported.


IGF-1 DES is a shorter version of the base IGF-1 chain. This IGF-1 variant is 5 times more potent than the regular base IGF-1. It has a half-life of about twenty to thirty minutes, which indicates that it is a very delicate chain. Administration of DES IGF-1 should only be done where you want to experience muscle growth. DES IGF-1 has a higher ability to stimulate muscle hyperplasia than IGF-1 LR3. In conclusion, this variant works best when used for site injections rather than overall muscle growth. In addition to these functions, DES IGF-1 is known to bind to receptors in cells that have been deformed by lactate. High amounts of lactic acid are produced during training and strenuous activity. This feature of DES IGF-1 enables it to attach to mutant receptors that signal tissue growth even during training activities. DES can be used more frequently and for longer periods of time than IGF-1 LR3.

IGF-1 vs HGH

Growth hormone is actually a precursor to IGF-1, but why not choose HGH? HGH does not cause direct muscle growth, instead, it promotes muscle growth by sending out the release of IGF-1. Human growth hormones can prove very difficult to qualify. In order for a doctor to prescribe you, you must have been diagnosed with adult growth hormone deficiency syndrome. You must take and pass a growth hormone stimulation test, which then shows that your body is not producing growth hormone in response to the stimulation. This makes IGF-1 and its variants a more viable solution for athletes, someone losing body fat, or even those looking to get back in shape.

Dosage and Injections


Inject 7 days a week. It is best to inject it after a workout. The dose should be about 20 mcg to 50 mcg per day. Due to the very short half-life of IGF-1, desensitization is rarely found.


Inject 7 days a week. It should be in doses of 20 mcg to 50 mcg. Desensitization occurs in about 40 days or about 4 weeks.


It should be given multiple times throughout the day, most preferably, inject it before you start training. You should target specific sites and muscles in doses of about 50 mcg to 150 mcg. Since DES IGF-1 has a very short half-life, desensitization is rarely found. You should always make sure to target sites so that you target specific muscle groups. If you want to strengthen your biceps, you should apply this injection directly to your biceps.



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