For decades Bodybuilders have been using Human Chorionic Gonadotropin( HCG ) both on-cycle and off-cycle to prevent testicular atrophy, as well as help, re-grow the testes prior to commencing PCT. HCG accomplishes this function by mimicking the actions of the luteinizing hormone (LH) within the body
Aside from the obvious cosmetic benefits associated with testicular maintenance, retaining the function of the testes helps set the stage for a more rapid post-cycle recovery by retaining the organ’s ability to respond optimally to circulating LH.
While restoring testosterone production is an important step towards the restoration of the HPTA, it is in only one aspect of total recovery. In addition to testosterone, the testes are also responsible for the production of sperm. In the same way that AAS suppresses LH release, they also suppress FSH; the hormone necessary for sperm production. The bad news is that HCG doesn’t do anything for sperm count or motility. Its only function is to increase testosterone levels.

Here is where human menopausal gonadotropin (HMG) comes in.

HMG can not only normalize/maintain testosterone production like HCG but also has the ability to normalize sperm production and unlike HCG does not rely on mimetics in order to achieve both desired results. HMG promotes testosterone production (and sperm production) through natural means.

HMG is a combination of 2 pituitary hormones: LH and FSH (follicle-stimulating hormone).
The hormones in HMG (FSH and LH) act on the testes via the pituitary gland. FSH helps by stimulating spermatogenic tissue within the testicles. LH works by stimulating intra-testicular synthesis in males.

Most men consider therapy with HMG as an alternative to treatment with HCG (Human Chorionic Gonadotropin) in order to elevate the body’s natural testosterone levels.
Typically, bodybuilders utilize HMG in order to help the body recover after therapy with anabolic steroids.
HMG works by restoring functions within the human body and by ameliorating sexual health following steroid usage. Testicular problems in males are quite common after they use anabolic steroids. For example, some men experience testicular atrophy for long periods of time, such as years, after using anabolic steroids in order to gain muscle mass. Guys who want to avoid these problems may embark on therapy with HMG after therapy with anabolic steroids ceases.

Why Choose HMG over HCG?
Men who choose HMG generally do so because it contains hormones that stimulate the testes to make testosterone, without the drawbacks of HCG. HCG functions as a synthetic LH, whereas HMG is a combination of actual hormones which won’t trigger a lack of sensitivity to LH (which may happen with HCG).

When to Use HMG?
HMG can be used with excellent results at any time during a cycle, but like HCG, it should be discontinued prior to starting PCT (Clomid, Nolvadex, etc), as the continued presence of exogenous LH & FSH will have a negative impact on the endogenous production of these hormones.

How Bodybuilder’s Run HMG
Typically bodybuilders use the HCG at 500mcg EOD until sticks regain size, once they do drop to 250 2 to 3 times a week the remainder of the cycle with a blast at the end.
HMG is used differently. The standard dosing is the entire 75iu bottle/vial;
75 IU through their entire cycle (or daily post cycle until the vial is complete). Other variations I have seen are using 75 HMG on the days in between HCG dosing, or 75 IU daily post cycle.
If you use HMG with HCG to Kick start the Udit system, use enough HCG so that your GnRH signals the pituitary to release LH and FSH as needed. Remember these hormones becomes inactive during hormone use.

If you plan to use HMG alone, HMG can also be used as a mid-cycle blast to help restore what's been shut down for a period of one to two weeks at 75iu a day. However, From a research point of you, I still think the Raticate would be better used in the following manner: three times a week the durations the cycle at 75 IU. You can decide if you want to add in HCG on alternating days which they can be taken together but my personal opinion is that during a cycle this would not be necessary.
Post cycle, as discussed earlier, 75 IU daily until the vial is finished is standard for most bodybuilders. Some report EOD works equally as well. Use HMG daily or however often your wallet permits. A higher dose is not better and will not have any better effect.



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