IGF-1 Lr3 Results Gains

IGF-1 Lr3 Results Gains


What is IGF-1?

IGF-1, which is also known as Somatomedin-C, is a peptide growth factor. There are many tissues in the body that can manufacture IGF-1, but the main source results from the liver. Under the stimulation and control of human growth hormone(HGH), the liver synthesizes, and secretes IGF-1.

Growth hormone (GH) is secreted by the anterior lobe of the pituitary gland. Its main function is to control the growth of cells, bones, and muscles in the human body and maintain normal organ function.

While secreted GH enters the bloodstream, it will be absorbed by the liver within a few minutes later, as a result, it is converted into different growth factors, the most important of which is "Insulin-like growth factor". Almost all the functions of growth hormone, including bone growth promotion, synthetic protein, muscle gaining, weight loss, and lowering cholesterol must be completed under the synergistic promotion of IGF-1. So IGF-1 is often considered as a "channel" that many other hormones must cooperate with it, in other words, the other growth hormone function can work normally as a result of the “channel” IGF-1.


IGF-1 Lr3 Results gains:

As mentioned above, IGF-1 is one of the kinds of growth factors that are similar in structure to insulin, but IGF-1 LR3 is more effective in mammalian growth and development:


1. IGF-1 Lr3 is much more powerful while compared with IGF-1 for the enhanced potency that it has to offer is because it has a decreased level of binding. These binding proteins usually inhibit the biological effects of IGF, so IG-1 LR3 results in better efficacy and functions.

2. The most effective form of IGF-1 is IGF-1 Lr3; its structure will be changed by chemical methods and combined with proteins in the human body, which can result in half-life staying in the human body for about 20-30 hours. So if you used IGF-1 Lr3 with steroids, the stimulation intensity, physical properties of the steroid, and the strength and endurance of the user are bound to result.

3. IGF-1 LR3, one of the most effective growth factors in the human body, helps to enhance and result in hyperplasia. It can be used to stimulate muscle growth, which is very helpful to make the human body much more sensitive to insulin. That is, when the muscles split and form brand new cells, you can gain bigger and better results then.

4. According to some research reports, IGF-1 Lr3 has become the focus among researchers, for its effect of anti-aging, that is, youth-promoting factor. So far, no substance has been found to slow down the process of human life more than IGF-1 Lr3.

After aged-30, the secretion of IGF will decrease with the reduction of GH. The secretion of GH decreases by about 14% every ten years in the human body during 21 - 31 years old, and thus the secretion of GH at the age of 30 is only half of that of young people, and at the age of 80, it is only one-fifth of that of young people.

So the attainment of appropriate IGF concentrations can treat some aggravated symptoms, making people condense loose muscles, and help to rebuild muscles, bones, as well as the nerve cells.

In summary, the effects that IGF-1 Lr3 can provide:


1. Increase the main energy source in the human body for weight loss and muscle growth;


2. Anti-aging;


3. Increase the efficiency of nutrient transmission and utilization (such as protein synthesis)


4. Increase nerve cell repair and regeneration ability.


5. Increase the ability of cell fiber proliferation;


6. Prevent muscle from collapsing, maintain skin and muscle elasticity;




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