Sleeping Aid Peptides

Sleeping Aid Peptides

Sleeping Aid Peptides are newly put forward lately, they work great on improving sleeping quality and anti-anxiety.


Selank Nootropics Peptides
Selank is a synthetic peptide, an analog of a peptide known as Tuftsin, which is thought to be immunomodulatory,  as such, it imitates many of its effects. It has been shown to modulate the expression of Interleukin-6 (IL-6) and affect the balance of T helper cell cytokines. It has been shown it does help to improve sleep. There is evidence that it may also modulate the expression of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) in rats.
Selank is closed to a related peptide drug Semax, which has been found to inhibit enzymes involved in the degradation of enkephalins and other endogenous regulatory peptides, and this action may be involved in their effects.

2. Delta Sleep Inducing Peptide DSIP
DSIP is short for Delta sleep-inducing peptides, which is a peptide classified as a neuropeptide that when infused into the mesodiencephalic ventricle of recipient rabbits and works by inducing spindle and delta EEG activity and reducing motor activities. 

Amanda Lee
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